Have you ever wondered what happens above the clouds during a lightning storm?
The answer is: the man from another place, or better, the men from the other side. The men on the other side of the clouds, better known as the “inhabitants of the Lodge” in the fascinating saga of Twin Peaks: The Arm, Bob, Mike and the Giant (the Fireman).
«The chrome reflects our image. From pure air, we have descended from pure air. Going up and down. Intercourse between the two worlds.»
(see the contemporary framing of the inside part of The Arm’s mouth, which punctually recalls the deformation of an image as it is reflected by a chromed surface.)
They are the Red Sprite (= The Arm), the Blue Elf (= Mike, «One and the same» with the Giant), the Blue Giant (or Fireman), bewitching flash of red and blue light also called “cousins” of the lightning Bolt of Thunder (= Bob: «I have the fury of my own momentum (impulses)») (1).
These “creatures” seem to have inspired the ancient epic of the Greeks, as physical manifestations of the gods themselves, as well as they share the “privileged” place between the Earth and the Sky from which they “observe” and “influence” men’s lives. A “mystical” place ruled by the soothing sound of the cosmic “biophony” played by the solar Electricity and its double, the terrestrial Yticirtcele, the Sun-Earth energy’s vortex that creates and molds all the existing the matter, starting from its archetypal “seeds”. The dark roar of thunders announces the very presence of these Entities («The birds sing a pretty song and there’s always music in the air.» «Do you know who I am? I am the Arm, and I make a sound like this…»).
The “Beings beyond the clouds” move through the Wormhole, i.e. the space-time gravitational passage of negative mass between past and future hypothesized by physicists Mike Morris and Kip Thorne (2) in which, according to the narration of the series, the agent Phillip Jeffries, head of the Blue Rose task force (3), will remain trapped, “absorbed”, turning into one of the “machines” that produce and transmit the Divine Electricity. A concept that also pervades the whole narration of the movie Dune, by David Lynch, where “Knowledge is the Worm: move without moving”. The “9”, the innovative “passage” between the eternal return of the “8” (the world of Men, the “Dead”) and the immovable perfection of the “10” (the “Hand” of God).
The appaearance of the strange “inhabitants” of the Red Room located “beyond the clouds”, which has all the physical connotations of a “dark sunspot” (4), seem to correspond perfectly to the flaming jets of “antimatter” of terrestrial origin that are intercepted by detectors of high-energy flow on NASA’s orbiting satellite stations. With an impressive frequency of more than 500 daily emissions, the Earth “mimics” the brilliant supernova by emitting a complex and powerful Gamma-Ray beam, called TGF (Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash), along the lines of the gravitational magnetic field. The experiments of the “FIRESTATION” series, conducted on the ISS space station orbiting the Earth since 2013, are aimed at the study of this fascinating phenomenon, that is still inexplicable in the light of official scientific knowledge.
This is the secret governmental program Project Blue Book (5), “anticipated” in Lynch’s work, and in which Major Garland Briggs is involved. This project, probably at its own “dawn” at the time of the story when not even directly inspired by it, constitutes an element of “tangible” reality, much relevant in the creative narration of the Author, so that the character of the Major comes to mention, in the course of a scene of the series and without any apparent reason, the name of the actress Judy Garland from the film “the Wizard of Oz”, that is a real person, concretely existed and that has moreover interpreted the role of a “revealer” of deceptions, just with the intention of recalling this strong connection between reality and artistic fiction, as well as in the case of the Search for the Zone website mentioned in the series.
The Red Sprite really comes “from far away”. He is the direct expression of the flaming Center of the Earth (see The Jumping Man), crazy and “dancing”, “excited” by the spiral of the rhythm coming from its own nemesis, the Sun. The Red Sprite dresses the purple clothes of The Jumping Man, the blood-stained robe of the primordial Ares, Enyalio son of Gaia (the “Earth”), “the one who kills”, the “double” of the Sun (6). The Red Sprite is the personification of the Fire of Being. The Red Sprite is the “left” arm of the MAN. Because «Mike is the Man! Mike is the Man!».
For the following of our investigation it is also very important to make use of the interpretative filter offered by the studies conducted on the “Sun-Earth’s Rhythm” by Prof. PierLuigi Ighina (7), pupil and assistant of Guglielmo Marconi, to whom David Lynch himself seems to offer a really “warm” tribute in the introductory episode of the third season of the series, which opens with the reconstruction, in the secret of the attic of a building in New York, of a “rhythm machine of Ighina” (8) for the convergence of solar and terrestrial energies, in the order to investigate the nature of the terrible Judy (9) and “film” its manifestation. Life is “pulsation”, the meeting between the “sinister” spiral of the negative forces arising from the Earth with the “right-handed” propagation of the solar energy that generates all that exists. Reworking and synthesizing the “Law of Rhythm” (Let’s Rock!) Prof. Ighina, David Lynch pioneered, reconfigured and inspired the science of centuries to come.
Thus, it is through a deep reconsideration of the science of physics as traditionally conceived that we can find all the answers, thanks also to the precious help coming from the lights of ancient wisdom and classical mythology. An approach that Maester Lynch has been able to dissimulate in apparent references to oriental mysticisms, voodoo rituals and Navajo recalls etc., that are legacies certainly not extraneous to the same kind of transcendence but much less “academic” and, consequently, much more “marketable” to the large television audience that, as the character of Windom Earle properly underlines, is sensitive to easy and illusory ambitions of power.
Twin Peaks hides a profound analysis of the cosmic order, as it originated from the last “Titanomachia“, the War of Titans, which aims to change the canons of our own perception of the foundations of the Universe and the very nature of the Time of Humans. A real UPSIDE DOWN.
“Fire walk with me” is the Word, it is the “deception of the duplicity of Being”, it is the formula of Existence, it is the very meaning of Life on this planet, which is so marvelous that it can lead to ecstasy but which is also, if not above all, cruelty, pain, suffering and death.
Can a simple human being “burst into fire without burning”? Can a soul scream and shout free, “Live burning and never burn” (G. D’Annunzio, Fiume’s undertaking , 1919)? Who can defeat the Lightning and put an end to the time of its reign of violence, lies and hypocrisy?
Dana Hayward: «Do you think that if you were falling in space… that you would slow down after a while, or go faster and faster?»
Laura Palmer: «Faster and faster. And for a long time you wouldn’t feel anything. And then you’d burst into fire. Forever… And the angel’s wouldn’t help you. Because they’ve all gone away.»
© Matteo Fulgenzi
(1) Bob is the diminutive of Robert, a name that evokes strength, power and shining beauty. The “spirit” Bob has the same immoderate and uncontrollable sexual appetites of the Greek god of Lightning. The “Red Sprite” is an atmospheric electro-magnetic phenomenon that has not been properly studied yet. It is considered as a “halo” of the so-called Elves (Emission of light and very low-frequency perturbations due to EMP sources) and of TIPP (Trans-ionospheric Pulse Pairs), couple of electromagnetic pulses. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprite_(lightning)
(2) Once again and by mere chance, “Destiny” introduces into the real world the association between the names THOR(ne) and MIKE, the “lightning” of the Norse tradition and its “cousin” Mike. Moreover, the surname “Horne” opens up other “worlds” of Twin Peaks. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Morris_(physicist)
(3) “Jeffries” is the plural of Jeffry, name of Norman origin that has, in fact, two etymological meanings: “hostage” and “in peace with God”. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_(name)
(4) Sunspots have reddish and jagged contour areas, perfectly recalled by the purple drapery of the Black Lodge. The internal areas of sunspots have dark areas characterized by a strong electromagnetic charge, depicted by the “stylized” electric discharges appearing on the Red Room’s floor. Fascinating is also the connection between the corridors that link the different rooms of the Lodge to each other and the “corridors of Light” that normally separate the sunspots from each other. The shape of the sunspot is explicitly recalled from the pool of “exhausted oil” placed at the entrance of the Lodge, in turn surrounded by 12 sycamore trees, the “fig” tree of evil and the negative pole of energy, which mark the entry of the Tartar (the underworld). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunspot
Similar connections can be drawn between the artistic representation of the two Black and White Lodges and the wider physical-mathematical concepts of “black hole” and “white hole” that appear in Einstein’s field equations and prefigure Einstein-Rosen bridges (not by chance, The Blue Rose) as vacuum solutions in space-time. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wormhole
(5) The name Blue Book, the “Book of the Inexplicable” (the blue color) has an explicit biblical ascendancy. Major Briggs is in fact engaged in the investigation of the mysteries of the “ocean of glass and fire” described in the book of Revelation, The Apocalypse of John. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Revelation
(6) The stylization of the Red Room’s floor recalls, at the same time, also the element Water. Water is the “critical” fire. The fourth state of Water, subjected to strong pressure and electromagnetic charge, is Fire. From the blood of Uranus (the Heaven) emasculated by the Mother Earth, once again represented by the purple curtain and poured into the sea of Cyprus, Aphrodite was born, the “classical” statue of the Black Lodge. Aphrodite goddess of attraction, magnetic polarity and sexuality. Aphrodite, the lover of Ares (A-Res, “anti-reality”, anti-matter, then “irrationality” and “disgrace”). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_(physics)
(7) Within the scope of Prof. Ighina’s theory, sunspots appear on the surface of the Sun as a consequence of the penetrating action into the photosphere of the spiral of negative electromagnetic refraction forces coming from the planets of the solar system and, especially, from the Earth. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pier_Luigi_Ighina
(8) The SUN – EARTH RHYTHM’s MACHINE , or “Rotary Machine” invented by Prof. Ighina, reproduces the rotational movement of solar energy that allows you to see objects the moving becuase of the REFLECTION of light, producing internal and external projections of the SOLAR – TERRESTRIAL RHYTHM . See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFIX0QGtrQI
(9) The Mother Earth, the fearsome, archaic and syncretic deity (see Gea, Rhea, Cybele, Era for the ancient Greeks and the Egyptian Isis, etc.) of the powerful motion of the waters and of the fury of the earthquake, which obscuring the Sun with clouds creates its fire, its light, its truth, ITS “DREAM”: the Lightning. The Kingdom of Lightning is, in reality, the Kingdom of Darkness, the feminine Kingdom of the “deceptive” Mother, the Kingdom of the Reason of Force (one-dimensional), rather than the Force of Reason (multidimensional). It follows that the Kingdom of Human Technology, with its artificial “electricity”, is the Time of the falsehood that corrupts humans and moves them away from the Nature of Things. The composition of the letters that form the name of the titanic YEODAY, in Hebrew יודעי = “I know it”, offer the stylization of the “Red Sprite”, the symbol engraved on the magnetic “formica” stone of the ring of “Fire walk with me”. It is the ring of the “original sin”, the ring of Prometheus, the ring of the condemnation imposed on humans from the god of Lightning to the subjection to the material bonds of the Earth and, at the same time, the ring of the (deceptive) drive to self-determination, to the (impossible) liberation from the constraints of the laws of the Cosmos, which powerfully emerges from the Earth too: the ring of Power itself, of the control of the Fire of knowledge and, therefore, the ring of self-destruction (as in Tolkien’s books). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybele

pictures courtesy of NASA and David Lynch

Mt. Shinmoe – Japan (April 6th, 2018)